Thursday, November 28, 2019
Drug addiction and its effects
Introduction Did you know that Drug Addiction is a Disease? Many people refer to it as behavioral problem but it impacts the brain hence a chronic brain disease. Drug addicts become obsessed with drugs such that they always want to take more. This is normally as a result of changes that occur to the brain.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Drug addiction and its effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The victim becomes reliant on drugs, and thus he/she does not take them voluntarily. Drug addiction is a community disease since everybody is impacted including public health programs. This research paper therefore will aim at discussing the causes, signs and symptoms, effects and help for drug addiction to portray it as negative vice both to individuals and the society as a whole. Causes of Drug Addiction The main cause of drug addiction is, obviously, the use of drugs but there are specific predictors maki ng some people engage in drug abuse. One of these causes is continued exposure to drugs. This may be from peers or even family. Thus it is more likely for a person who lives under exposure to drugs at his/her early years to become an addict in adult life, than a counterpart who spends his/her childhood without exposure. For the aforementioned case of influence by family members, a person may be introduced to drugs by his/her siblings, or he/she may even copy what his/her parents do regarding the use of drugs. There is also the issue of drugs being available to a person. This can potentially lead the person to use them, and eventually lead to addiction. Additionally, genetics may also play an important role in determining whether a person will become a drug addict. This is because genetics are associated with dispositions that may make a person prone to drug abuse. An addictive personality is normally characterized by a number of addictions, and relapse into the use of drugs after re habilitation (Mork 1). Other causes include poor family environment where the parent-child bond is poor therefore without a figurehead to guide him/her, one can easily end up engaging in drug use. One may also have psychological problems making a person vulnerable to drug abuse. Finally an individual’s personality may determine level of resistance to drug abuse compared to others (Mork 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Symptoms of addiction to drugs The symptoms of addiction to drugs are constant with different drugs. Firstly if one is neglecting his/her responsibilities at work or even school because of the drugs. Secondly is doing dangerous things or taking risks when on drugs for example driving. Addiction can be seen if one is often involved in legal trouble or breaking the law when high for example being arrested or even stealing to get more drugs. Fourth ly if on drugs one causes problems in relationships for example often fighting with partners, family members and friends. Another sign is if a person loses control of drug use and starts using more drugs than usual or planned to use. This is portrayed when one wants to stop using but is powerless. Another common pointer to addiction is increased tolerance to drugs. This is exhibited in form of ability to take large volumes of drugs without being adversely affected. Another sign of addiction is the need to use drugs in an attempt to stop symptoms of withdrawal (Smith 1). It has also been noticed that a number of people live a kind of life that revolves around drugs; thinking about drugs all the time, and using them most of the time. Another sign is if a person finds himself abandoning the activities once enjoyed like sports, reading or other hobbies because often one is engaging in drug abuse. Finally if a person cannot stop using drugs and he/she knows they are hurting him/her in te rms o health like infections, depression, mood swings or even blackouts then that is a sign of addiction due to excess drug use (Smith 1). Effects of addiction to drugs Most of these effects are dictated by the specific drug that a person uses. However, there are common effects associated with drug addiction. One of such effects is the psychological problems associated with drug addicts. In the progressive stages of addiction the effects are dangerous especially in terms of health. Drug addiction is also associated with a myriad of diseases including include heart diseases, diseases of the lungs, or even brain damage. A person may also get HIV/AIDS which occurs after sharing of syringes during drug injection with an infected person (Kartha 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Drug addiction and its effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Secondly there are Psychological and Social effects where you find that once a person becomes an addict he/she cannot control use of drugs and hence powerless. If they do not use the drugs, they may start feeling restless, depressed, sweating, shaking, and anxious. This makes them crave for more usage of drugs. In every country in the world most drugs are usually illegal and hence accessing them makes it expensive and, for those who cannot afford they may start stealing to buy drugs. This leads to increased crime rates in our society. Some people may also engage in prostitution or even sell their own properties to get money to buy drugs (Kartha 1). Drug addiction affects a person’s social life negatively where one’s relationships with family and friends is impacted. An addict usually may turn violent when high and hence this may lead to break down of families, loosing friends and loved ones. This is also portrayed in the professional life of an addict where he/she cannot concentrate on the job due to the drugs. This brings down the p erformance of a person at work and that might cost him/her job (Kartha1). Treatment of Drug Addiction Drug addiction is treatable though difficult. The first step is for the addict to accept that he/she has a problem which if not treated is dangerous to the people around him including his/her own family. There are various forms and stages of treatment. Treatment can be done through medication but it is used in conjunction with other treatment processes. The next is withdrawal where medication can be employed to suppress the withdrawal symptoms. However medication is not advisable since sometimes patients who withdraw through medication are almost similar to those who have not been treated. Virtually all the medications used in drug addiction cases are designed to deal with the psychology of the addict so that he/she will not long for drugs (â€Å"Treatment Approaches to Drug Addiction†1). Another form of treatment is the treatment of the behavior of the addict. It is designe d to help a patient â€Å"engage in the treatment process, modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug abuse, and increase healthy life skills.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These treatments are designed in such a way that they have a cumulative effect of effectiveness of the rehabilitation process (â€Å"Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction†1). There are various behavioral approaches which can be used to treat drug addiction. Firstly we have Outpatient behavioral treatment which may include individual and group counseling, therapy, motivational interviewing and incentives. Residential treatments are also used especially for more severe addicts. In these treatments, it is mandatory for a patient to spend time in a rehabilitation center until he/she is considered cured. An example is the TCs. â€Å"TCs differ from other treatment approaches principally in their use of the communityâ€â€treatment staff and those in recoveryâ€â€as a key agent of change to influence patient attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors associated with drug use†(â€Å"Treatment Approach to Drug Addiction†1). Prevention of Drug Abuse and Addiction Fi rstly a person should recognize the signs which may include change in ones appearance, weight loss, sleeping at odd hours, losing interest in work or school, changes in a person’s social life and poor emotional health among others. Secondly a person should spot the dangers where if the drugs are prescriptions from doctors he/she should follow it to the letter. If it is a drug like alcohol if possible avoid and to adults they should if they must drink the recommended amounts. Thirdly is through communication which helps a lot in preventing drug use especially among young people. This should come from parents, teachers and all leaders in our society about the effects of drugs use (Vaux 1). Conclusion From the above causes, signs and symptoms, effects, treatment and ways of preventing drug abuse and addiction, it is clear that everybody in our society is somehow affected both directly and indirectly. Millions of dollars are used by governments, charities and individuals to try a nd curb drug abuse and addiction but the issue still remains a challenge too hot to let go no matter the costs. We cannot let part of our society turn out to be like the picture in the next page. A drugs free society is a healthy society. (Volkow 1) Works Cited Mork, Rachel. â€Å"Causes of Drug Addiction†n.d-2010. Web. Smith, Saisan. â€Å"Signs, Symptoms, and Help for Drug Problems and Substance Abuse†2010. Web. Kartha, Deepa. â€Å"Effects of Drug Addiction†2009-2011. Web. NIDA InfoFacts. â€Å"Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction†. 2010-2011. Web. Vaux, Robert. â€Å"What Are the Ways to Prevent Drug Addiction?†2005-2010. Web. Volkow, Nora, â€Å"What Do We Know About Drug Addiction?†2005. Web. This research paper on Drug addiction and its effects was written and submitted by user Doc Samson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Strategic Analysis of WRSX Group The WritePass Journal
Strategic Analysis of WRSX Group Introduction Strategic Analysis of WRSX Group IntroductionPhrase one. Analyzing the strategic positionPhrase Two. Making Strategic ChoicesPhrase Three. Analyzing the strategic actionsConclusion Reference Related Introduction Phrase one. Analyzing the strategic position In this stage, is analyzing the strategic position of WRSX Group. By using the PESTEL framework we can analyse the many different factors in a firms macro environment. PESTEL analysis is a useful tool for understanding the â€Å"big picture†of the environment, in which you are operating, and the opportunities and threats that lie within it. By understanding the environment in which you operate (external to your company or department), you can take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the threats. (Ghemawat, 2008). The Five Force frameworks will response to the industry analysis. Five Forces is a framework for industry analysis and business strategy development. It is consisted of five key factors; entry barriers, buyer power, supplier power, substitute competitions and industry competitor. (Johnson and Scholes, 2009) The SWOT is useful when we are analyzing the internal environment of WRSX Group. It is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (Strengths: characteristics of th e business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry. Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment. Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business). (David, 1995) For the current situation of whole industry of advertising, it is under high level competition. A considerable numbers of agencies live in this industry. The range of their scale is quite widely, it covers large international agencies to small local business firm even only two people involved. Meanwhile, lots of business opportunities in advertising. Under the whole world economic is increasing background, firms are comfortable to put budget on advertise part. Generally speaking, the advertising industry is trend to maturely and prosperously. However, lots of elements could be influence advertising industry. The industry trends to mature, then the problem come out, which is market shrink. New media develops. Due to the outstanding advantages of it, whole advertising industry has to move the core to new media filed. Competitive advantages in advertising industry mainly deriving from creative innovative capability, range and breadth of services or products. The creative innovate capability is the most important for any agency in advertising industry due to it is the key thing to clarify differentiation of products or services what they are supply . At the same time, this is also a significant factor to attract clients. The key stakeholders in the WRSX Group, expects a long – term global brand developments and achievements. In somewhere, conflicts may exist different stakeholder groups. (Johnson and Scholes, 2009, p.106 ) Currently performance of WRSX Group is relatively successful. However, some aspects should be enhanced. The attraction Retention: WRSX Group scores highly on its market research capability and its understanding of market segments and channels, also scores highly in terms of its creativity and innovation, but not in USA. The breadth of services matches the industry average. The Leadership Capability: some offices perform well but others perform badly in terms of Management of Operations, Information Management and Administration. This is the reason for why its score of this below industry average. Management of Risk: the WRSX Group has performed well in management of Financial Risk, but it has dropped below average due to some acquisitions have not been perceived as financially astute. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Previous analyses have shown high scores for WRSX Group in terms of its ethical stance and its social profile but lower for corporate governance. After the discus sing processing in the presentation group, some of strategic issues are find out. The first one is relation to marketing. The revenue of WRSX Group in Asia Pacific has some problems due to the WRSX Group does not focus on the new media and digital media filed. It leads to lose attraction to clients. The second one is the financial problem. The WRSX Group get high level staff costs, while the revenue is not good enough to support this behavior. The third one is the management issue, including the corruption, the weak leadership capabilities and the bad procurement. The WRSX Group losing talent people in firms, which influence the creation and reputation. The awful acquisitions make WRSX Group losing financial supports to develop brand value. Broadly speaking, the WRSX Group has matched average score in advertising industry. Meanwhile, there are something above have to enhanced or revised, which aim to achieve the global brand development of WRSX Group. Phrase Two. Making Strategic Choices In this stage, is analyzing the strategic choices of WRSX Group. The current strategy of the WRSX Group is in some aspects. For the marketing, the exits market of WRSX Group indeed need develop, which aims to enhance the capability. Meanwhile, lots of new thing are waiting for the WRSX Group to achieve as well. The choice of opening new markets, such as new media or digital media field could be excellent for WRSX Group. (Johnson and Scholes,2009) For the WRSX Group, it defines itself as a creative advertising agency in the industry. So the WRSX Group the group should keep and attract the experienced staffs who equipped high level innovation and creativity. The talent and quality staffs are not enough to make sure the WRSX Group goes well. The situation of weak leadership capability of WRSX Group has to be improved. The weak awareness of leadership could be the reason for some awful acquisitions what the WRSX Group did. The money losing release pressure to WRSX Group’s financia l. For the financial part, control the costs and the budget for acquisitions should be done immediately. Meanwhile, keep its revenue also indeed. It is able to make sure the whole agency goes well. It is the foundation of enhance the WRSX Group’s buying power, increase its reputation and develop new market. Generally speaking, the strategic gaps of WRSX Group have list above, it focus on several aspects which are the future and exist marketing development, the human recourse issue about the weak leadership capabilities lack of talent people in group and the cost and budget problems response to finance. In this stage, in order to evaluate our strategic choices, also shrinking the gaps which mentioned, the group members analyzed about suitability, acceptability and feasibility aspects of the WRSX Group.(Johnson and Scholes, 2009) While some problems in implementing the choice we are making at this stage. They are in different levels. In corporate level, the group should focus new market or new field developing, meanwhile, enhance the attraction of WRSX Group is necessary as well. While in the business level, revise the leadership issue should be done, and risk management should be consideration. Whether or not to open new markets in international market should be make the choice. The result of us for this aspect is developing the Chinese market as the new market for the WRSX Group. Another aspect, talent and experienced people are losing in the New Work office of WRSX Group. This influences the creative quality of the WRSX Group. There still have some risks for the WRSX Group. Those risks are linked to the problems which are presented in the phrase one. The reputation risk links to the talent and experienced people losing, the whole team creative capability is influenced; the financial risk links to the weak leadership capability, some bad acquisitions losing money. Phrase Three. Analyzing the strategic actions In this stage, is analyzing the strategic actions of WRSX Group. Based on the results what we got from previous two stages, there are four options of action picked up from six of them. The four options are Managing Generation Y: delivering the Doughnuts, Sustainability policy, exploiting the digital opportunity, Expansion into China. After those actions taken, the share price increased from 2.28 GBP to 2.50 GBP. The revenue, profit and PBIT index increasedas well. The assumption brought out on the task which is hoping the share price increased due to the right decisions what we made. However, some disagreements are appears in the processing of pick up those options mentioned above. The most outstanding problem in discussing is disagreement of the definition of some options. Every group member presents their own opinions and awareness of each option. After that, compare with every member’s presentation, then pick up the agreements and disagreements. For the disagreement, group members discuss about them again. The reasonable word should be come out when the member presenting. At the end, the final decisions were made by the majority opinion of group members. For the personal decisions degree of certainty, it might be seven or eight degree on a scale of one to ten. But other members also keep some common opinions with me. This is reason for why the degree in high level. After each group meeting and seminar, lots of resources and results come out for the WRSX Group. It is able to use these resources to obtain more achievements, response to financial and social relationship part. The WRSX Group equipped experienced and talent staff, whom equipped excellent innovation and creativity capabilities to produce or supply services. However, this is not including the New York office due to some talent and experienced people quit the WRSX Group. All in all, the WRSX Group still obtained high level reputation in this industry. At the meantime, the WRSX Group doing well about market research, which is rely on understanding its market parts and methods. As the consequences of it, many spaces for the group are able to develop. For instances, set up the Chinese market as the new market for the WRSX Group. For global advertising market, the United States occupied most percent of it. However, in the global advertising market in general downward trend, China, Russia a nd some other advertising market showed vitality. For Chinese advertising market, it is continuous developing with high speed in last decade. In 2010, the turnover of Chinese advertising industry is 200.41 billion Chinese Yuan. Increased by 14 billion Chinese Yuan compared with 2009. Meanwhile, the Chinese advertising industry is not mature. It is an opportunity for WRSX Group to establish the branch in China, or looking for a local agency as a corporate body. This point is analyzed in previous part. Another is that the WRSX Group should consider about the opportunities in new media or digital media aspect. Some reasons, the digital media is the main trend in the near future, which based on the internet, mobile phones and etc. Two, it can attract the potential clients, especially the young generation. For this part, the online media develops with a high speed in last decade. It obtains numbers of outstanding advantages. There are two main of them, one is generally low cost than ads on traditional media. Another one is more widely audience range it can reach. As the consequence of those, lots of firms want to spent more budgets on digital space. Meanwhile, it proves this digital space definitely is a more and more huge market in future. The WRSX Group have supplier relationship in various offices, so that, they are able to offer their clients the digital services. There are some methods to developing this business. One is developing itself capability for digital space, or otherwise relying on external providers to deliver this service to WRSX clients. However, the suitable way for WRSX Group is combine two of them. Due to the WRSX is not named by the top agency in the world. Not so strong capability to developing it individually. So, this could be the most suitable way for WRSX to do this field business. So it is better for the WRSX Group to explore the advertising of digital media or new media field. At the end, balance the short-term (three-year plan, etc.) a nd the long-term achievements (mission, company objectives, etc.) of the WRSX Group should be done. Conclusion After studying this strategic management module which is â€Å"understanding the strategic position of organizations, strategic choices for the future and turning strategies into action†(Johnson and Scholes, 2002), based on the WRSX Group case study. Learn a lot, for example, some classic strategy tools – PESTEL, Five Forces, SWOT etc. I am clear about what is the aims and objective of those tools (PESTEL, firms macro environment. Five Forces, the industry analyzing. SWOT, analyzing the internal environment); which elements are involved in those tools (PESTEL, policies, economic, society, technological, environment, legal. Five Forces, entry barrier, industry competitors, substation competition, buyer power, supplier buyer. SWOT, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats); what is the function of each element in those tools. Another is, I learn about the strategy has different levels; two basic levels are corporate level and business level. In another aspect, this is a group work study. So that, I have learn lots of technology about team work capability. Taking the right actions when group members encounter disagreements in meeting or seminar could be better. I learned use logical method to finding out the right actions. Well communication ability is necessary for me in the future. All in all, after this semester study, I have practiced and enhanced personal communication skills, while learned knowledge of strategic management. Reference David, Fred R, (1995) Strategic Management , Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Ghemawat, P. (2008) Strategy And The Business Landscope, Beijing: Peking University Press Johnson, G, Scholes, K, (2002) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, Johnson, G, Scholes, K, Whittington, R (2009) Fundamentals of Strategy, Prentice Hall,
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Engineering sceince Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Engineering sceince - Math Problem Example 2 =0.5 * 1.5*238.762 =42754.7532 Joules = 42.7547532Kilojoules Question 2 Potential energy, PE = Therefore, PE = 440*9.8*3.5 = 15092N Kinetic energy, KE = = =9295N Total energy = 9295 + 15092 = 24387 joules Assuming all the energy is converted to KE since there is negligible friction, the final velocity can be gotten by = =110.85 Therefore final velocity, = 10.53m/s Task 3 Question 1 When a net force is acting on an object is proportional to the displacement of the object from the equilibrium, a simple harmonic motion occurs. This is as a result of the insignificance of the force acting on the object (in this case it is zero). A sinusoidal curve illustrates, which is presented as a function of time, illustrates the displacement of the object when the force is acting on it (object). Ideologically, this signifies the model of oscillatory motion. This represents ideologically the model of oscillatory motion. ... Question 2 Angular velocity = 3000rpm = 314.16rad/s Maximum velocity, v =A =0.24*314.16 = 75.4m/s Maximum acceleration is given by 2 =0.24*314.162 = 23685.653376m/s2 =23.683km/s2 Maximum theoretical force F= ma from Newton’s second law 0.28*23685.653376 = 6631.98N Therefore maximum force is
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